Afro-Louisiana History & Genealogy 1719-1820

Dr. Gwendolyn Midlo Hall’s database contains more than 100,000 records of slaves who lived in Louisiana .

The Atlantic Slave Trade & Slave Life in the Americas: A Visual Record

Over 1,200 digitized images depicting slaves in Africa and the Americas.  Images can be browsed by category (“Maps,” “Slave Ships,” “Family Life,” etc.) or searched.

Documenting the American South: North American Slave Narratives

UNC’s collection includes every published slave narrative published in English before 1920.

Ecclesiastical Sources and Historical Research on the African Diaspora in Brazil and Cuba

Digitized baptismal, marriage, and burial records from Havana and Matanzas, Cuba.   Ecclesiastical records from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil comprise the next stage of the project.

The Geography of Slavery in Virginia

A searchable database of 18th and 19th century advertisements for runaway slaves in Virginia.  The collection can be sorted by place, year, or personal information listed about the fugitive (sex, age, and skills), or visitors can perform a full text search of the ads.

Portuguese Mapping of the African Coast

Recovered Histories: Reawakening the Narratives of Slavery, Resistance, and the Fight for Freedom

Anti-Slavery International’s digitized collection of narratives from slaves, slave traders, abolitionists, and pro-slavery advocates.

Slaves and the Courts: 1740-1860

The Library of Congress’ digitized collection of one hundred primary source documents related to cases debating slavery and the law.

Texas Slavery Project

Database of slaves slaveholders during the Texas Republic (1837-1845) that can be visualized with a dynamic map.  Includes digitized primary source documents.

The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database

Database of nearly 35,000 slaving voyages that can be queried online or downloaded.